Stig Ammann
Responsible for lighting laboratory / prototype construction, Responsible for electronics / electrical engineering
Seljvet Amzi
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Martin Arro
ICT Specialist in Training
Christopher Angele
Responsible for sourcing, welding specialist / welding supervisor
Jashar Asani
Assembly Light Standard
Stephan Bachmann
Responsible Product Area Traffic Engineering,Responsible Market Development Outdoor Space,

Sabine Bellefeuille-Burri
Responsible for strategic corporate development
Yves Bertolini
Responsible Implementation Life Cycle Care
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Andreas Bettschen
Customer support, Project management, Product management
Pascal Bühler
Product portfolio management, Responsible for standardisation
Martial Buehler
Customer support/project management(area: French-speaking Switzerland)

Arman Buric
Martin Burri
Responsible for strategic business unit development, design and brand, KAM
Nicolaos Charalampidis
Customer support, Project management
Branko Cobanovic
Metal construction
Mehrum Demiri
René Denke
Metal construction
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Lina Dieterle
Responsible for production of steel/metal construction
Dusko Durdevic
Metal construction
Juraj Duvac
Technical production light
Boris Ehrbar
Customer support/project management (area: German-speaking Switzerland)
Martin Ewert
Responsible for signalling, information and advertising technology, Responsible for construction,Project management

Sven Fässler-Haack
Project management IT/IoT
Florian Fazlija
Apprentice metal construction trainee EBA
Larglind Fetahu
Peter Forster
Responsible for planning mounting,Responsible for operational maintenance

Marco Förtsch
Customer service/project management lighting(area: ZH, SG, TG, SH, ZG, SZ, LU, OB, NW, GL, UR, GR, AI, AR)

Matthias Fothe
Sourcing, Procurement Standards
Daniel Fraass
Metal construction / steel construction
Fabian Frei
Responsible for Engineering, Responsible for IoT / digitalisation, KAM
Christian Frey
Customer service / internal sales
Giuseppe Gallina
Life Cycle Care
Bedri Gashi
Jana Gassan
Project and Structural Manager for Lighting and Lighting Technology
Asmerom Gdey
Steel construction
Oscar Gonzalez
Customer support / project management life cycle care, order and deployment planning
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Simon Graf
ICT Specialist in Training
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Marcel Griessmann
Responsible for strategic development and product management lighting
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Michael Güntert
Sourcing, Master data maintenance
Martin Hasler
Sourcing, procurement project and standards in the area of metal, steel products and accessory components
Christoph Höber
Philipp Höhener
Responsible PIM, Product Management
Roman Hollenstein
Responsible Life Cycle Care product field,Responsible Product Management, KAM

Christian Hoppler
Project management, Strategic sourcing wood
Moritz Hürlimann
Responsible for AVOR and surface
Burandjaid Jajai
Metal construction
Robert Kern
Veysel Keskin
Aluminium/stainless steel
Kim Kessler
Life Cycle Care
Samir Kevro
Sheet metal processing/stainless steel
Milko Kirchhofer
Responsible Sales Field Service, Responsible Market Development, Customer support/project management (area: BS, BL, SO, AG, BE), KAM
Croce Lo Piccolo
Ramon Meier
Technical production light
Selina Meister
In training Construction
Josael Metzger
ICT System Engineer
Velimir Mijatovic
Responsible for realisation of traffic engineering,Project management

Marc Müller
Responsible for ICT / digitalisation
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Ajriz Murati
Responsible for aluminium/stainless steel production, Responsible for assembly
Giovanni Nardolillo
Specialist responsible for metal construction trainees / expert in steel construction
Alexandra Neininger
Responsible for employee relations, personnel/wages/social security/HR
Sejdi Orllati
Ivana Radosavljevic
Assembly electronics
Emir Rahmani
Fabio Rio Quintas
Light assembly
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Sabine Ritter
Responsible customer service/receptionInternal Sales International

Giuseppe Riso
Steel construction
Jannik Rutishauser
Technical production light
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Christoph Schmid
Responsible for international sales,Responsible for internal sales

Mischa Schneider
Technical coordination of projects, Responsible for the production of special lights
Dennis Sonderegger
Philip Sselugooti
Steel construction
Sladjan Strainovic
Assembly projects
Jessica Strub
Responsible for Controlling, Responsible for organisational development
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Raquel Tavares
Customer advisory, Customer service
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Samuel Teixeira
Sourcing, Procurement project and standards in the area of metal, steel products and accessory components
Teklu Tewelde
Assembly Accessories
Ashokkumar Thevathas
Coordination Assembly Accessories
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Daniela Vögeli
Customer advice, Sourcing electrical components, Responsible Production Light Standard
Andreas von Euw
Responsible for strategic sales, Responsible Product area waiting shelters infrastructure and mobility, KAM
Frank Wagener
Steel construction/metal construction