
We are a community of curious people

What connects us all? A shared view of humanity as well as a passion and commitment to vibrant public spaces. In addition, our ability to think and act entrepreneurially.
We are convinced that people want to use their talents to create something that serves the greater good.

Would you like to work at BURRI and contribute to this? Find your role.

picture Stig Ammann

Stig Ammann

Responsible for lighting laboratory / prototype construction, Responsible for electronics / electrical engineering
picture Seljvet Amzi
Everything comes to me in a raw condition. I bring life and colour once again.

Seljvet Amzi

picture Martin Arro

Martin Arro

ICT Specialist in Training
picture Christopher Angele
Change creates opportunities.

Christopher Angele

Responsible for sourcing, welding specialist / welding supervisor
picture Jashar Asani

Jashar Asani

Assembly Light Standard
picture Stephan Bachmann
I love the variety of my work and the cleverness of our products.

Stephan Bachmann

Responsible Product Area Traffic Engineering,
Responsible Market Development Outdoor Space,
picture Sabine Bellefeuille-Burri

Sabine Bellefeuille-Burri

Responsible for strategic corporate development
picture Reto Berger
Product development from concept to prototype, a slice of digital modelling and visualisation, plus a smattering of IT. All of it well shaken, not stirred.

Reto Berger

Responsible product design
picture Yves Bertolini
I solve problems and make our customers happy even after they have purchased our products.

Yves Bertolini

Responsible Implementation Life Cycle Care
picture Andreas Bettschen

Andreas Bettschen

Customer support, Project management, Product management
picture Pascal Bühler

Pascal Bühler

Product portfolio management, Responsible for standardisation
picture Martial Buehler
General consulting for all public elements with an emphasis on light. My office is mostly on four wheels.

Martial Buehler

Customer support/project management
(area: French-speaking Switzerland)
picture Arman Buric
Every movement is somehow a matter of logistics, and logistics is always in motion.

Arman Buric

picture Martin Burri

Martin Burri

Responsible for strategic business unit development, design and brand, KAM
picture Maddalena Cerullo

Maddalena Cerullo

Customer counselling
picture Nicolaos Charalampidis

Nicolaos Charalampidis

Customer support, Project management
picture Branko Cobanovic

Branko Cobanovic

Metal construction
picture Mehrum Demiri

Mehrum Demiri

picture René Denke

René Denke

Metal construction
picture Ruggero Di Berardino

Ruggero Di Berardino

Project manager QA
picture Lina Dieterle

Lina Dieterle

Responsible for production of steel/metal construction
picture Dusko Durdevic

Dusko Durdevic

Metal construction
picture Juraj Duvac

Juraj Duvac

Technical production light
picture Boris Ehrbar

Boris Ehrbar

Customer support/project management (area: German-speaking Switzerland)
picture Martin Ewert

Martin Ewert

Responsible for signalling, information and advertising technology, Responsible for construction,
Project management
picture Sven Fässler-Haack

Sven Fässler-Haack

Project management IT/IoT
picture Florian Fazlija

Florian Fazlija

Apprentice metal construction trainee EBA
picture Larglind Fetahu

Larglind Fetahu

picture Peter Forster
It's always nice to see our products in the public sphere.

Peter Forster

Responsible for planning mounting,
Responsible for operational maintenance
picture Marco Förtsch

Marco Förtsch

Customer service/project management lighting
(area: ZH, SG, TG, SH, ZG, SZ, LU, OB, NW, GL, UR, GR, AI, AR)
picture Matthias Fothe
Can't be done, doesn't exist at BURRI.

Matthias Fothe

Sourcing, Procurement Standards
picture Daniel Fraass

Daniel Fraass

Metal construction / steel construction
picture Fabian Frei

Fabian Frei

Responsible for Engineering, Responsible for IoT / digitalisation, KAM
picture Christian Frey

Christian Frey

Customer service / internal sales
picture Giuseppe Gallina

Giuseppe Gallina

Life Cycle Care
picture Bedri Gashi

Bedri Gashi

picture Jana Gassan

Jana Gassan

Project and Structural Manager for Lighting and Lighting Technology
picture Daniela Gasser
The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Daniela Gasser

Customer counselling
picture Asmerom Gdey

Asmerom Gdey

Steel construction
picture Yohannes Ghirmay

Yohannes Ghirmay

Steel construction
picture Oscar Gonzalez

Oscar Gonzalez

Customer support / project management life cycle care, order and deployment planning
picture Simon Graf

Simon Graf

ICT Specialist in Training
picture Marcel Griessmann

Marcel Griessmann

Responsible for strategic development and product management lighting
picture Michael Güntert

Michael Güntert

Sourcing, Master data maintenance
picture Martin Hasler

Martin Hasler

Sourcing, procurement project and standards in the area of metal, steel products and accessory components
picture Christoph Höber

Christoph Höber

picture Sina Hochuli

Sina Hochuli

In training Communication
picture Philipp Höhener
Alone you are strong, together unbeatable.

Philipp Höhener

Responsible PIM, Product Management
picture Roman Hollenstein
Together with the specialists at BURRI, I work on life-extending elixirs for our products and create sustainable and worry-free service packages for our customers.

Roman Hollenstein

Responsible Life Cycle Care product field,
Responsible Product Management, KAM
picture Christian Hoppler

Christian Hoppler

Project management, Strategic sourcing wood
picture Moritz Hürlimann

Moritz Hürlimann

Responsible for AVOR and surface
picture Burandjaid Jajai

Burandjaid Jajai

Metal construction
picture Brizit Kapcak

Brizit Kapcak

Generating leads
picture Sebastian Kaufmann

Sebastian Kaufmann

Storytelling, Film and press work
picture Robert Kern

Robert Kern

picture Veysel Keskin

Veysel Keskin

Aluminium/stainless steel
picture Kim Kessler

Kim Kessler

Life Cycle Care
picture Samir Kevro

Samir Kevro

Sheet metal processing/stainless steel
picture Milko Kirchhofer
Good cooperation will result in the right concept and an optimal outcome.

Milko Kirchhofer

Responsible Sales Field Service, Responsible Market Development, Customer support/project management (area: BS, BL, SO, AG, BE), KAM
picture Slavko Krajisnik

Slavko Krajisnik

picture Croce Lo Piccolo

Croce Lo Piccolo

picture Ramon Meier

Ramon Meier

Technical production light
picture Randy Meier

Randy Meier

picture Selina Meister

Selina Meister

In training Construction
picture Josael Metzger

Josael Metzger

ICT System Engineer
picture Brian Meyer

Brian Meyer

picture Velimir Mijatovic

Velimir Mijatovic

Responsible for realisation of traffic engineering,
Project management
picture Marc Müller

Marc Müller

Responsible for ICT / digitalisation
picture Ajriz Murati
A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.

Ajriz Murati

Responsible for aluminium/stainless steel production, Responsible for assembly
picture Amela Murati

Amela Murati

Customer counselling
picture Giovanni Nardolillo

Giovanni Nardolillo

Specialist responsible for metal construction trainees / expert in steel construction
picture Alexandra Neininger
The human being is my focus: helping, appreciating, treating equally, accompanying and creating trust.

Alexandra Neininger

Responsible for employee relations, personnel/wages/social security/HR
picture Erol Neziri

Erol Neziri

picture Antonija Novokmet

Antonija Novokmet

picture Stephan Oetiker

Stephan Oetiker

Strategic Business Development, Responsible for strategic development of education and research, Board of Directors
picture Sejdi Orllati

Sejdi Orllati

picture Roman Peter

Roman Peter

picture David Portela

David Portela

Customer support/project management for public lighting (area: German-speaking Switzerland / Ticino)
picture Anesa Qamili

Anesa Qamili

In training Adiministration
picture Ivana Radosavljevic

Ivana Radosavljevic

Assembly electronics
picture Emir Rahmani

Emir Rahmani

picture Fabio Rio Quintas

Fabio Rio Quintas

Light assembly
picture Sabine Ritter

Sabine Ritter

Responsible customer service/reception
Internal Sales International
picture Drazen Roter

Drazen Roter

Project management
picture Giuseppe Riso

Giuseppe Riso

Steel construction
picture Jannik Rutishauser

Jannik Rutishauser

Technical production light
picture Taulant Sadiku

Taulant Sadiku

Internal sales
picture Silke Schleicher

Silke Schleicher

Internal Sales
picture Christoph Schmid
Motivation is about doing things that we care about, with people we care about.

Christoph Schmid

Responsible for international sales,
Responsible for internal sales
picture Mischa Schneider

Mischa Schneider

Technical coordination of projects, Responsible for the production of special lights
picture Katja Schopp

Katja Schopp

Responsible for finance
picture Tanja Scholze
I love the variety of the products offered by BURRI and my responsibility of consolidating them in the minds and hearts of owners, planners and the users of the public space.

Tanja Scholze

Responsible communication
picture Gökhan Seçgin

Gökhan Seçgin

Coordination of assembly projects
picture Dennis Sonderegger

Dennis Sonderegger

picture Philip Sselugooti

Philip Sselugooti

Steel construction
picture Sladjan Strainovic

Sladjan Strainovic

Assembly projects
picture Jessica Strub

Jessica Strub

Responsible for Controlling, Responsible for organisational development
picture Raquel Tavares
I look after our customers at reception and greatly value the many varied tasks entailed by my role.

Raquel Tavares

Customer advisory, Customer service
picture Samuel Teixeira

Samuel Teixeira

Sourcing, Procurement project and standards in the area of metal, steel products and accessory components
picture Teklu Tewelde

Teklu Tewelde

Assembly Accessories
picture Ashokkumar Thevathas
My strength is handicrafts of every kind.

Ashokkumar Thevathas

Coordination Assembly Accessories
picture Daniela Vögeli
With my work, I help to bring light into the darkness.

Daniela Vögeli

Customer advice, Sourcing electrical components, Responsible Production Light Standard
picture Urs von Ah
I predominantly look after the French-speaking customers of the standard and custom products. Sales is a pleasure, because quality as a key argument always speaks for itself.

Urs von Ah

Client counselling Suisse Romande
picture Andreas von Euw

Andreas von Euw

Responsible for strategic sales, Responsible Product area waiting shelters infrastructure and mobility, KAM
picture Frank Wagener

Frank Wagener

Steel construction/metal construction
picture Joseph Wild
Success has two letters: DO.

Joseph Wild

Project management, Customer support
picture Heiko Welters

Heiko Welters

Responsible BURRI Germany